Metallic materials - charpy notch impact test 金属夏比缺口冲击试验方法
Metallic materials - charpy notch impact test 金属夏比缺口冲击试验方法
The ratios of charpy impact value of small size specimen to that of the standard are studied by using the series charpy v - notch impact test method and the question how to select equivalent ratio of the charpy impact quota of non standard sample is also discussed 通过夏比v型缺口冲击试验,研究了结构钢小尺寸试样的冲击功与标准试样冲击功的比值在系列温度冲击试验中的变化规律,并述评了用等效比值数确定小尺寸试样冲击功指标的问题。